So here's Day 0 of the Beard Off, which began yesterday. The photo documentation was inspired by The Hold Steady, who are pretty much doing the same thing as they record their new album. We need some help with the judging criteria, though. I think he who grows a beard with the most volume wins a beard off. My competition disagrees. He says the winner is he who grows the best looking beard (ppfff). What do the three of you who read this blog think?
I don't know what's more square... John's head or that notepad.
a) I have to go with volume. Otherwise you run the risk of losing out to a scrawny, but well-styled, "Dick in a Box"-type beard. Nobody wants that.
b) Endorphins are mysterious compounds, and I do not feel the need to explain my love for "Let's Hear It for the Boy" while they're flooding my brain. Chemistry + Nostalgia = Cardio Magic.
Well-played on the "Dick in a Box" comment. JT, who looks good in stubble, probably won't be winning a beard off any time soon.
I will have to defer to some of the masters, so here is short synopsis from the "Two Girls for Every Boyd" episode of Cheers. Please note the criterion:
"When Sam comes into work with a day's facial hair growth, he, Cliff, Norm and Frasier decide to have a $20 per person 1-month beard growing contest, judged by Carla and Rebecca on length, body, fullness, luster, sheen, bounce and the ever important beer absorption ability. The day before the end of the contest, Sam, Norm and Frasier's beards are looking full and lush, while Cliff's is still straggly. The day of the judging, Cliff miraculously comes in with a full beard, which he attributes the the Clavin genes of sporadic but quick hair growth. Carla thinks he's lying and has a glued on beard but a hard tug at his beard proves that it is real. After the judging, Cliff is deemed the winner. However, unbeknownst to anyone, Cliff's beard is fake which he affixed with a super strength but damaging to skin adhesive."
And...anything inspired by the Hold Steady is spot on in my book.
Wow, we have a record number of comments on this topic. Peronally, I think you're both ugly so obviously neither will look good in a beard. Therefore, I think it should be based on pure volume, a thick mustache is definately worth extra points. Finally, if no decision can be made, we judge by weight. Now this is going to require some skill, and quite possibly and electronic scale. But hey, if that's what it comes down to, someone has to come away victorious.
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