Monday, January 21, 2008

The Perfect Shave

If you would've asked me a year ago what my preferred method of shaving was, I probably would've looked at you with dumbfoundedness. This is because I had a beard (and a sweet one at that). But having grown up out of the college life, which i really miss, I have come to find that I really enjoy shaving. I used to go with the electric razor, mostly due to sheer laziness, but now I find I love the feel of a blade. And ever since going to my new barber, I absolutely love the straight edge and am considering purchasing one for my self. And to enhance the experience even more, I have discovered after shave. I think I was always a little turned off about if because of the movie "Home Alone" (if you don't know what i'm talking about, you have issues) but it might be the best way to start the morning ever. But it has to be alcohol based. I tell ya, if you haven't had the experience, go out as soon as you can and pick some up, it is delectable. On another note, I finally found "The Karate Kid" on dvd for five bucks!!! It was like a 4 year journey, and that isn't a joke. Well, until next time. peace.


mantic59 said...

Check out the traditional shaving sub-culture at websites like,, and my youtube shaving channel at

jedi said...

Dude, if you go with the blade you have to use heated shaving foam as well. Oh, that's good.