Monday, December 3, 2007

Keep your damn hands away from the nickel

So the folks over on the Bison media blog are saying that if (also read: when) UND retires the Fighting Sioux nickname, the famous Nickel trophy would have to go along with it.

I disagree. The nickel is one of the most unique trophies in college athletics. While one side is an Indian head and the other is a Bison, the overall significance of the trophy will not be lost if one school changes its name.

Plus, what would replace the nickel? New travelling trophies are always lame. But, if people really feel like the nickel's gotta go. That means it will forever be in the hands of the University of North Dakota. Hey-o!

1 comment:

Wags said...

Teams already play for axes and rocks. If we pick a new traveling trophy it should be something related to the North Dakota university system. Like a mountain of student loan debt or some physical representation of outmigration.