Saturday, December 8, 2007

Doug Woog sucks

So the Sioux and the Gophers split this weekend, but I think we can all agree that Dean Blais is four times the man Doug Woog is.

And to make ourselves feel better about tonight's loss, I present this:

That clip brings the biggest smile to my face every time I see it.


Wags said...

This loss just continues Doug Woog's lifelong losing streak. Chalk up another big game loss to a guy who's never won anything.

CHUCK said...

I agree, doug woog does suck. And how did we end up with both Shephard and Campion reffing in the SAME game? I can't stand those two guys, but I was surprised they allowed in both of those goals that they reviewed.

Unknown said...

That was beautiful! Luckily I only saw Fridays game so I'm still feeling pretty good about the whole thing.

I was hoping for a boo button for Woog, but it would have been drowned out by the goal horn.