Thursday, February 28, 2008

Interesting Article

I noticed this article and thought it was pretty interesting. Since we have a law student as a contributor, I would like to see what his take is on it. Personally, I think its pretty weak that the family would name the friends of their late daughter on a lawsuit, holding them accountable for her death. If I was a lawyer, I would countersue holding her parents liable for not teaching her responsibility and providing guidance when she was under the legal age.(this is probably why i'm not a lawyer, and would get shot if i ever became one.) Anyway, what are your thoughts?

On a lighter note, tomorrow is friday. That totally kicks ass. I look forward to the weekend everyday, even before its over I look forward to the next one. Well, I'm gonna go listen to the latest installment of the sorry execuse for a podcast put on by the great folks at INCH. I'm sure I will fall asleep quite rapidly. Til tomorrow....peace.

1 comment:

jedi said...

This is an interesting dispute. I would say, based on my limited legal experience, the family actually could have a valid claim ... depending on whether the girl was forced to drink and whether any of her friends had a legally recognized duty to take care of her (generally, there's no duty to rescue someone unless you start rendering aid).

I also think the fact that the family had a press conference is kind of lame. It makes them look greedy and will certainly give lawyers a bad name.