Sunday, April 13, 2008

Job Search: Now featuring the spectre of starvation.

So the five of you who regularly read this blog know that I've been searching for a new job for quite a while now. A few weeks ago I just ran out of patience and quit. There's really not a whole lot to say about it, it was a terrible job, I was unhappy going to work every day, and I'd like to think I can do better. I'm still staying on part-time outside in the yard, but my regular job (with my regular paycheck) is long gone. I will say this, the money was not bad, and I'm going to be missing it soon, but I'd like to think a job can offer more than just monetary rewards.

So if any of you can offer any helpful advice I could obviously use the assistance. I think part of my problem is that I don't really know what I want to do. Hopefully a little free time will give me the opportunity to figure some of that out. Getting me a job will probably need to be a team effort, and I'm really going to need all five of you. And if any of you out there are in the same spot as me I could offer some hard-earned advice too. The articles on MSN careers are comically useless (check them out if you're not using a few minutes of your life), but my friend Gary recently had success landing a sweet job through CareerBuilder. And I had to take my name off Monster because I'm not interested in managing a tire store. Wish me luck, I'll need it. Keep you posted.


Kate said...

Cole, you're going to figure it out. Let me remind you that in the spring of '05, I spontaneously quit my soul-killing gig at Marshall Field's with no idea of what to do next, and it worked out okay.

Plus, if you stick to only drinking at the VFW you'll never run out of money. Seriously. It's so cheap.

Unknown said...

Cole, as I'm in an extremely similar situation, I offer these words of advice from Red Green.

"Remember, I'm pulling for ya. We're all in this together!"

And by "we" I include my self in those that sing the post graduate overeducated out of work blues.