Friday, November 9, 2007

Sweet Sweet Celebration

I used to read Brad Schlossman's hockey blog on a daily basis, but now I only catch it about once or twice a week. Anyway, he had a link to this sweet celebration by Teemu Selanne. It pretty much got me thinking about how much I wish the NFL and other football leagues would allow more celebrating. Well, I know that will never happen, but at least the real sport of football allows celebrating. After I saw that Selanne video I ran across this video of soccer celebrations...its pretty cool, even if you don't like soccer. Any way, check it out (the last couple minutes has no video, but its cool none the less). And while we're at it, here's some highlights of some hockey celebrations (toward the end of the video). My favorite is hejduk's. Peace out, girl scouts.


jedi said...

Dude, I want to drop kick a giant can of Pepsi Twist too.

CHUCK said...

I'm pretty sure my signature dance would be the robot...without a doubt.

Wags said...

I have open hockey tomorrow morning, if I score I'm going to take off my jersey and dry hump it on the ice.