Monday, November 19, 2007

Schedule Strength

So, we were earlier talking about the weakness of the redhawks opponents so I thought this was interesting. I saw this on Schlossman's Blog today.

These are the teams we've played so far. Notice They have all been ranked

Michigan State (5)
Boston College (14)
Northeastern (20)
Michigan Tech (19)
Colorado College (4)
Wisconsin (12)

These are our next 5 games

Nov. 30-Dec. 1 -- Denver (3)
Dec. 7-Dec. 8 -- Minnesota (13)
Dec. 28-Dec. 29 -- New Hampshire (8)
Jan. 5-Jan. 6 -- St. Cloud State (10)
Jan. 11-Jan. 12 -- Michigan Tech (19)

It's going to be a tough start to the season, but it will only better prepare us for the tournament.

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