Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Now, I'm all for saving electricity through smart energy consumption practices and I'm happy NBC is having this whole Green Week endeavor, but doing the Sunday Night Football halftime and post-game analysis in the dark was just dumb. What did NBC prove? Turning off the lights saves electricity? Who knew? Apparently not NBC, who -according to the previous link- never thought to turn out the lights when they aren't using their studios.
Why did we invent the light bulb? The obvious answer would be, "to see in the dark." I don't see what NBC is trying to prove by forcing me to watch an already un-funny Keith Olbermann try to do his "comedy" by candlelight.
Is this the type of eco-solution we can expect from the rest of Green Week? Turning out the lights is not a solution to Global Climate Change, and anyone who thinks so has been in the dark for quite some time already. So they saved a lot of electricity by sitting in the dark for two hours... isn't that indicative of a larger problem? Why are we using that much energy in the first place? Where is it coming from? I think all that brain power may have been better-directed at finding a way to sit in a well-lit studio powered by a clean, renewable energy source.
Instead they suggested that all of America turn out the lights and watch their shitty game in the dark like a bunch of fucking cavepeople. Thank you, but no. The best part of the show was Chris Collinsworth making a *gasp* mockery of the entire thing by laughing every four seconds. Sorry about the extended Matt Lauer clip and the SayAnythingBlog ("Go Ed Schafer") link.

P.S. Christopher Russo is less straight than an Adrian Peterson fifty yard scamper, and... polar bears are drowning.


jedi said...
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jedi said...

I can't believe you linked to Say Anything. That blog is the antithesis of what we're all about.