Saturday, November 24, 2007

Day of Thanks

Well, I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. My buddy referenced this on his site, so I thought I would see what you all had to say. My favorite memory of thanksgivings is always the company. I love being with family, but my favorite part is always the day after. In my family, the guys always go pheasant hunting while the ladies go shopping on black friday. Though it is fun walking the fields and trying to hit birds, the best is when we fire off hundreds of rounds shooting clay pigeons.

The food is generally the same for everyone, and its always good, but I live for the leftovers. I love inventing a new sandwich every year. My favorite is as follows: Turkey (dark meat only of course), stuffing, rice dressing (a family favorite) and gravy, all stuffed between two pieces of white bread. I call it StuffThingly Numb.

My buddies favorite is "turkey and cranberry sauce between a dinner roll. It adheres to the first rule of leftovers--it's simple." It is appropriately named Turkerry.

What about you all, what is your favorite thanksgiving leftover creation? peace

1 comment:

jedi said...

My favorite Thanksgiving leftover creation is straight up lefse with some butter on it. Usually, there isn't much leftover though. Mmmmmmmmm.

For those of you who need some background, check this out: