Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Day 23, or whatever.

The beard off continues with a marked lack of interest from all parties. The three week mark came and went without fanfare, and the transition phase seems to be done. I think that sometime during the last week we went from two guys who were growing beards to two guys with beards. That's a pretty subtle but important change. The first time it dawned on me was when I went back to work on Sunday. I met one of our new hires, and I realized that because he's never seen me without a beard, the beard will always be a part of his perception of me. Anyone who meets me from now on will consider a beard to be the norm.

I've concluded that there is a point where a growing a beard stops being funny or novel and just starts being. That sounds too profound to describe a beard, but compare it to meeting a new 'significant other.' At first everything is new and great, everybody asks about it, and people can usually see the difference on your face. But after a while the novelty wears off, people start to think of it as normal, and stuff starts to itch. So it comes time to make a decision: keep it for the long run, or rinse it down the drain? I guess it depends on the circumstances and the person, but I do know this... when you make that decision you had better take action quickly, because you don't want to wake up every morning and not like what's grabbing your face.


CHUCK said...

Judges ruling: you guys are both losers in this beard thing. But you have inspired me to grown my own beard. Today shall be day one.

Unknown said...'s never a good thing when you start hooking up with someone new and things "start to itch". just an observation...

Unknown said...
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CHUCK said...

leah, sometimes the prize is worth the consequences...but not very often

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Wags said...

Did we just get spammed by a Portuguese printer advert? One more reason for me to hate Portugal.